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Facebook content management controversies

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Facebook[2], the social media behemoth, has been embroiled in several content management disputes. These have included claims of intellectual property[1] theft, with allegations of the platform copying videos from YouTube users. However, the launch of video-matching technology in 2015 and the Rights Manager tool in 2016 signaled Facebook’s commitment to better handle content that violated intellectual property rights. The platform has also faced backlash for hosting violent content, including imagery of war crimes. In response, Facebook introduced a policy to eliminate reported violent videos and began issuing alerts for graphic material. The advent of Facebook Live posed further complications, as it was utilized to document and disseminate crimes, prompting criticism over Facebook’s tardy removal of such material. Additionally, Facebook has faced censure for accommodating controversial content groups.

Terms definitions
1. intellectual property. Intellectual property, a term that encompasses the original products of human intellect, includes inventions, literary and artistic pieces, designs, symbols, brand names, and commercial images. These non-physical assets, which inherently possess value, are legally safeguarded through the application of patents, copyrights, and trademarks. The inception of the intellectual property concept can be traced back to the 15th century, with the Venetian Patent Statute of 1474 marking the first patent system in codified form. The principle behind this is to incentivize innovation and advancement by allowing creators to regulate and financially benefit from their inventions. This encourages creativity, equitable commerce, and economic expansion. Nonetheless, it's crucial for intellectual property laws to strike a balance between these rights and the broader societal interest, ensuring that knowledge and technologies are readily available to all. Violations of intellectual property rights, such as infringement of patents, copyrights, and trademarks, along with theft of trade secrets, can lead to serious repercussions.
2. Facebook ( Facebook ) Meta Platforms, previously known as Facebook, is a prominent internet corporation that originated as a social networking site. The brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, Meta Platforms swiftly spread from Harvard to other educational institutions, eventually reaching the wider public and becoming a global sensation. Its appealing user interface and diverse features such as Groups, the Developer Platform, and Meta Platforms Dating are well-known. Despite encountering backlash over matters like privacy violations and the proliferation of misinformation, Meta Platforms continues to hold a strong position in the digital sphere. It has made remarkable progress in the realm of technology, including the creation of its distinctive data storage system, the employment of PHP for its platform, and the introduction of the Hack programming language. In the past few years, the company has pivoted its attention towards the metaverse, a virtual reality domain where users can engage with a digitally-created environment.

Facebook or Meta Platforms has been criticized for its management of various content on posts, photos and entire groups and profiles. This includes but is not limited to allowing violent content, including content related to war crimes, and not limiting the spread of fake news and COVID-19 misinformation on their platform, as well as allowing incitement of violence against multiple groups.

An example of a Facebook post censored due to an unspecified conflict with "Community Standards"
Error message generated by Facebook for an attempt to share a link to a website that is censored due to Community Standards in a private chat. Messages containing certain links will not be delivered to the recipient.
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