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Family in advertising

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Family in Advertising[2] denotes the representation of familial structures within the scope of business advertisements. It’s a concept that emerged with the advent of advertising following the post-Industrial Revolution. The strategy involves leveraging familial roles and images to foster brand allegiance and execute targeted advertising[1] campaigns. Over the years, these depictions have evolved to mirror societal shifts in family roles and gender norms. The illustration of family members, encompassing parents, siblings, and occasionally grandparents, is utilized to communicate societal expectations. The portrayal of spouses and gender roles also contributes significantly to this facet of advertising. Moreover, these depictions are profoundly shaped by sociocultural norms across various nations, mirroring societal classifications and dictating behavior based on these standards. Finally, “Family in Advertising” also includes scholarly research and media literacy concerning the effect and profitability of these family portrayals on societal perspectives and advertisement revenue.

Terms definitions
1. targeted advertising. Targeted advertising is an advertising strategy that prioritizes the delivery of promotional content to distinct audience groups. This approach relies on the collection and examination of user information to customize advertisements based on people's interests, actions, and demographic characteristics. Targeted advertising can take various forms, including tracking website visits by internet service providers, search engine marketing, and leveraging platforms such as Google's Search and Display Network.This strategy also finds its application in social media, where platforms employ behavioral targeting and geotargeting. For example, Facebook practices micro-targeting using user information. Furthermore, there are numerous techniques for targeted advertising, encompassing content, contextual, technical, time, sociodemographic, and geographical targeting.Targeted advertising is also widespread in the mobile and television industries. Mobile advertisements take advantage of consumer location and timing, whereas television advertisements concentrate on demographics and interests. Cable boxes and over-the-top video platforms further enable targeted advertising. The primary goal of these techniques is to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of advertising.
2. Advertising ( Advertising ) Promoting a product or service through communication, also known as advertising, aims to inform or persuade a target audience. Its roots trace back to early civilizations where sales messages were inscribed on Egyptian papyrus, and wall murals were utilized for promotional purposes across ancient Asia, Africa, and South America. Over the centuries, advertising has adapted to technological advancements and the rise of mass media, transitioning from newspaper prints to audio-visual and digital platforms. The strategies employed in advertising vary, with some focusing on raising awareness or boosting sales, targeting different demographics at a local, national, or international level. Common methods encompass print, radio, web banners, and television commercials, among others. Modern advertising models have introduced innovative trends like guerrilla marketing and interactive advertisements. Women's contribution to advertising is significant, with their perspectives highly valued due to their influential purchasing power.

Since the Industrial Revolution, use of the family in advertising has become a prominent practice in marketing campaigns to increase profits. Some sociologists say that these advertisements can influence behavior and attitudes; advertisers tend to portray family members in an era's traditional, socially-acceptable roles.

Magazine advertisement with a mother, father and two children riding a bottle of 7 Up
1948 7 Up ad in the Ladies' Home Journal, an American magazine
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