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Internet activism

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Digital activism[2], also known as internet[3] activism or online activism, leverages the internet and digital media[1] as primary channels for mass communication and rallying. It covers a broad array of activities, not limited to, initiatives designed to heighten awareness, rally support, and orchestrate actions for societal, political, or environmental transformation. This type of activism can be classified based on the degree of dependence on the internet versus offline rallying, as well as the strategies and objectives of the activism. Its growth has been significant over time, with conspicuous instances such as the resistance to the Lotus Marketplace, the #MeToo movement, and the Arab Spring. Digital activism can be harnessed by a variety of groups, from grassroots organizations to corporate bodies, utilizing the strength of digital platforms to sway opinions and bring about change. It’s crucial to acknowledge that the efficacy and impact of online activism can be shaped by several factors, such as internet availability, digital literacy, and opposition from influential organizations.

Terms definitions
1. digital media. Digital media, a term that denotes any media form that utilizes electronic devices for its dissemination, encompasses a broad spectrum of components such as software, digital images, digital videos, video games, web pages, and websites. These elements can be created, observed, altered, and disseminated via digital electronic devices. The prominence of digital media grew with the advent of digital computers, which facilitated the binary representation of information. As the years have passed, digital media has undergone significant evolution, leading to substantial societal and cultural transformations. It has also exerted a profound influence on diverse sectors like journalism, publishing, education, and entertainment. Concurrently, digital media has spawned new trends and posed legal challenges, particularly concerning copyright laws. The consumption of digital media has seen a swift surge due to increased internet access and the emergence of various social media platforms.
2. activism. The practice of activism, defined as the vigorous campaigning utilized to effect political or social change, encompasses a broad spectrum. This includes various forms such as human rights, environmental, animal rights, and conservative activism, each with a distinct focus yet united by the shared objective of instigating change. Activists employ a diverse range of tactics to attain their goals, from nonviolent methods and political campaigning to internet and economic activism. Other specific forms of activism include consumer, art, science, and shareholder activism. The repercussions and sway of activism extend far and wide, influencing everything from social, political, and economic structures to public dialogue and corporate conduct.
Internet activism (Wikipedia)

Internet activism involves the use of electronic-communication technologies such as social media, e-mail, and podcasts for various forms of activism to enable faster and more effective communication by citizen movements, the delivery of particular information to large and specific audiences, as well as coordination. Internet technologies are used by activists for cause-related fundraising, community building, lobbying, and organizing. A digital-activism campaign is "an organized public effort, making collective claims on a target authority, in which civic initiators or supporters use digital media." Research has started to address specifically how activist/advocacy groups in the U.S. and in Canada use social media to achieve digital-activism objectives.

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