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24-hour news cycle

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The 24-hour news cycle is a term that denotes the incessant, day-long coverage of news that has become a standard in today’s media environment. This idea originated with the rise of cable TV channels dedicated exclusively to news, a trend that gained momentum with the notorious O.J. Simpson murder trial in the mid-1990s. The proliferation of online news outlets has further intensified this cycle, fostering a climate where news is continuously created and consumed, round the clock. This relentless rhythm has drawn criticism from industry professionals, such as journalists Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, who assert that the incessant need to churn out news has undermined traditional journalistic principles. They argue that the chase for audience engagement and corporate earnings has resulted in a decrease in fact-checking[1] and high-quality reporting, leading to a shift towards sensationalism, entertainment, and biased news. This phenomenon is also associated with notions like the CNN effect, the Feiler faster thesis, information overload, information pollution, and infotainment[2].

Terms definitions
1. Fact-checking ( fact-checking ) Fact-checking, a vital procedure in the realm of journalism and information sharing, serves to confirm the truthfulness of statements, allegations, and news reports. Its roots can be traced back to the 1850s as a countermeasure to sensationalist journalism, with its evolution significantly shaped by entities such as the Associated Press, Ralph Pulitzer, Henry Luce, and The New Yorker. Fact-checking can occur either before (ante hoc) or after (post hoc) the publication of information, with numerous dedicated organizations and media platforms undertaking this task. In the political arena, fact-checking plays a crucial role, discouraging politicians from disseminating false information and influencing the public's perception and trust in political statements. Beyond formal settings, fact-checking also permeates informal environments, with individuals and technology aiding in the validation of news and detection of fraudulent news. However, the power of fact-checking alone may not be sufficient to fully tackle misinformation, highlighting the need for its integration into educational syllabuses.
2. infotainment. Infotainment, a fusion of information and entertainment that emerged in the 1980s, is a media genre that seeks to educate while entertaining. Often characterized by attractive visuals, sensationalism, and flashy graphics, infotainment can be found in a variety of formats, including television shows, radio programs, and social media posts. However, it often faces criticism for its lack of substantial informative content and its emphasis on trivial, celebrity-focused material. Despite these critiques, infotainment has a substantial impact on news and societal perceptions by turning serious topics into entertainment, thereby attracting a broader audience. Prominent infotainers such as Oprah Winfrey and Jon Stewart have blurred the boundaries between journalism and entertainment. The evolution of infotainment continues, particularly with the advent of social media platforms that enable users to create their own news and commentary.
24-hour news cycle (Wikipedia)

The 24-hour news cycle (or 24/7 news cycle) is 24-hour investigation and reporting of news, concomitant with fast-paced lifestyles. The vast news resources available in recent decades have increased competition for audience and advertiser attention, prompting media providers to deliver the latest news in the most compelling manner in order to remain ahead of competitors. Television, radio, print, online and mobile app news media all have many suppliers that want to be relevant to their audiences and deliver news first.

Several simultaneous NBC News broadcasts (including MSNBC, NBC's Today and CNBC's Squawk Box) displayed on monitors

A complete news cycle consists of the media reporting on some event, followed by the media reporting on public and other reactions to the earlier reports. The advent of 24-hour cable and satellite television news channels and, in more recent times, of news sources on the World Wide Web (including blogs), considerably shortened this process.

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