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Alt-tech is a term that defines burgeoning technology platforms that rose to prominence in the 2010s, primarily due to deplatforming[1] activities carried out by major tech conglomerates like Google[2], Facebook[3], and Twitter. These platforms provide an alternate avenue for those who oppose the control exerted by mainstream tech giants over online discussions. Alt-tech platforms have gained a substantial following, especially among right-wing factions, and are frequently linked to the unrestricted spread of far-right, nationalist, and extremist viewpoints. They act as a conduit for the propagation of conspiracy theories and extremist ideologies, and have been utilized for the mobilization and recruitment of far-right extremists. The emergence of these platforms has triggered numerous legal and financial responses, and has notably influenced online discourse[4] and conduct.

Terms definitions
1. deplatforming. Deplatforming is a contemporary method where certain individuals or entities are barred or eliminated from contributing to a public forum or social media platform, typically as a result of contentious or damaging conduct. This practice, which traces back to the prohibition of specific speakers from U.S. university campuses in the 1940s, has developed with the rise of social media. Presently, platforms like Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter utilize deplatforming to regulate content and curb the proliferation of extremism. High-profile cases, including the bans of personalities like Alex Jones and Donald Trump, have spotlighted its influence and sparked discussions around free speech, political impartiality, and the authority of tech corporations. Laws addressing deplatforming are being examined in numerous countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. Nevertheless, the practice is contentious, with detractors voicing concerns about its implications on academic freedom and user rights. Despite these debates, deplatforming remains an important instrument in the digital era for managing content and directing online conversation.
2. Google ( Google ) Primarily acknowledged for its search engine, Google is a universally esteemed technology corporation. The company, established in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, has expanded significantly, branching out into numerous tech-related fields. Google offers a wide array of services and products, encompassing Android, YouTube, Cloud, Maps, and Gmail. It also manufactures hardware like Chromebooks and Pixel smartphones. Since 2015, Google has been a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. and is celebrated for its inventive spirit and workplace environment that promotes employees' personal projects. Despite confronting several ethical and legal challenges, Google continues to influence the tech sector with its groundbreaking innovations and technological progress, including the creation of Android OS and the purchase of companies specializing in AI.
Alt-tech (Wikipedia)

Alt-tech are social media platforms and Internet service providers that have become popular among the alt-right, far-right, and others who espouse extremism or fringe theories, often because they employ less stringent content moderation than mainstream platforms. The term "alt-tech" is a portmanteau of "alt-right" and "Big Tech". In the 2010s, some prominent conservatives and their supporters began to use alt-tech platforms because they had been banned from other social media platforms. Alt-tech platforms describe themselves as protectors of free speech and individual liberty, which researchers and journalists have alleged may be a cover for antisemitism and terrorism.

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