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Drip marketing

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Drip marketing, a commonly employed strategy in direct marketing[1], is designed to perpetually engage prospective customers. It encompasses the execution of automated tasks, such as dispatching emails, to potential clients at predetermined intervals. The low-cost efficiency of this method has made it a favorite, particularly in the realm of e-commerce. It is also applied in direct mail via personalized postal services and in social media through timed updates. Drip marketing is instrumental in generating, nurturing, and qualifying leads. It proves advantageous in extended sales cycles, specifically for high-ticket items, as it enables businesses to remain in the customer[2]’s consciousness without interrupting the sales journey. Nevertheless, it could potentially result in decreased response rates if follow-ups lack personal touch. Interestingly, the phrase ‘drip marketing’ originates from the farming technique of drip irrigation.

Terms definitions
1. direct marketing. Direct Marketing, a unique advertising strategy, involves businesses engaging directly with consumers to peddle their products or services. It's distinguished by its targeted nature, focusing on consumers that fit specific vendor-determined parameters. This marketing technique utilizes direct communication avenues such as direct mail, phone calls, emails, and online resources, giving it a more concentrated approach compared to broad marketing strategies. Its origins can be traced back to 15th-century Europe, with modern methods being innovated by Josiah Wedgwood and later refined by individuals like Pryce Pryce-Jones and Aaron Montgomery Ward. The primary goals of direct marketing encompass product sales, lead generation, customer relationship building, and boosting customer loyalty. Despite encountering obstacles such as unsolicited emails and spamming, remedies like opt-out registers, variable printing, and laws like the CAN-SPAM Act have been implemented to maintain its efficacy.
2. customer. The main keyword in this text is 'customer.' A customer refers to a person or entity that acquires goods or services from a company. They play a vital role in the business environment, establishing connections with companies via transactions. Customers may also be referred to as 'clients,' particularly when they obtain customized advice or solutions from a company. The term 'client' is derived from Latin, suggesting a tendency to lean or bend towards a company. Customers come in various forms - from final customers who directly purchase products or services, to industrial customers who integrate these products or services into their own offerings. These customers can hold different positions in relation to the business, such as being employers in construction endeavors. Companies often divide their customers into distinct groups, like business owners or final users, to better comprehend and cater to them. The comprehension and handling of customer relationships is a crucial field of research and application in business.
Drip marketing (Wikipedia)

Drip marketing is a communication strategy that sends, or "drips," a pre-written set of messages to customers or prospects over time. These messages often take the form of email marketing, although other media can also be used. Drip marketing is distinct from other database marketing in two ways: (1) the timing of the messages follow a pre-determined course; (2) the messages are dripped in a series applicable to a specific behavior or status of the recipient. It is also typically automated.

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