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Gestión publicitaria

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Managing publicidad[1] is a field of business study that concentrates on the practical utilization of advertising methods and the control of a company’s advertising resources and operations. It encompasses the stages of creating, implementing, and supervising advertising initiatives for an organization. These initiatives aim to reach a broad audience through diverse media outlets, promoting the company’s products, services, or even the brand itself. The responsibilities of managing advertising also include liaising with the marketing team and collaborating with internal or external advertising agencies. For successful advertising management, a robust comprehension of advertising fundamentals, audience assessment, and communication tactics is necessary. This includes setting goals, planning and executing initiatives, and assessing their success to guarantee they align with the company’s ethos and marketing objectives.

Definición de términos
1. publicidad. La promoción de un producto o servicio a través de la comunicación, también conocida como publicidad, tiene como objetivo informar o persuadir a un público determinado. Sus orígenes se remontan a las primeras civilizaciones, en las que se inscribían mensajes de venta en papiros egipcios y se utilizaban murales murales con fines promocionales en la antigua Asia, África y Sudamérica. A lo largo de los siglos, la publicidad se ha adaptado a los avances tecnológicos y al auge de los medios de comunicación de masas, pasando de los periódicos impresos a las plataformas audiovisuales y digitales. Las estrategias empleadas en la publicidad varían, y algunas se centran en aumentar la concienciación o impulsar las ventas, dirigiéndose a diferentes grupos demográficos a nivel local, nacional o internacional. Los métodos más comunes son la impresión, la radio, los banners web y los anuncios de televisión, entre otros. Los modelos publicitarios modernos han introducido tendencias innovadoras como el marketing de guerrilla y los anuncios interactivos. La contribución de las mujeres a la publicidad es significativa, y sus puntos de vista son muy valorados debido a su influyente poder adquisitivo.

Gestión publicitaria is how a company carefully plans and controls its advertising to reach its ideal customers and convince them to buy.[cita requerida]

Advertising refers to any paid form of communication designed to create interest in or stimulate sales of products or services. Companies are constantly searching for novel media, such as these human billboards, to get their message out to potential consumers

Marketers use different types of advertising. Brand advertising is defined as a non-personal communication message placed in a paid, mass medium designed to persuade target consumers of a product or service benefits in an effort to induce them to make a purchase.[cita requerida] Corporate advertising refers to paid messages designed to that communicate the corporation's values in an effort to influence public opinion. Yet other types of advertising such as not-for-profit advertising and political advertising present special challenges that require different strategies and approaches.[cita requerida]

Advertising management is a complex process that involves making many layered decisions including developing advertising strategies, setting an advertising budget, setting advertising objectives, determining the mercado objetivo, media strategy (which involves planificación de medios), developing the message strategy and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the advertising effort.) Advertising management may also involve media buying.

Advertising management is a complex process. However, at its simplest level, advertising management can be reduced to four key decision areas:

Target audience definition: Who do we want to talk to?
Message (or creative) strategy: What do we want to say to them?
Estrategia mediática: How will we reach them?
Measuring advertising effectiveness: How do we know our messages were received in the form intended and with the desired outcomes?
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