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Diplomacia digital

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Digital Diplomacy, a contemporary methodology, leverages the internet[1] and numerous digital channels to address foreign policy concerns. It is adopted by a diverse array of entities such as state departments, embassies, diplomats, and even non-state actors. This method has seen a substantial rise in popularity, with nearly all United Nations member countries maintaining a diplomatic presence on social media platforms such as Twitter. Digital diplomacy is instrumental in shaping public opinion regarding foreign policy agendas and enabling collaborative efforts on diplomatic campaigns. Despite its advantages, it is not without its hurdles as it can occasionally trigger diplomatic dilemmas or propagate false information. Prominent figures in this arena include Jovan Kurbalija, Joshua Fouts, Carl Bildt, Davina Tham, and Tom Miles.

Definición de términos
1. internet. Internet, una red mundial de sistemas informáticos interconectados, utiliza protocolos de comunicación estandarizados, predominantemente TCP/IP, para conectar dispositivos en todo el planeta. El término "Internet" tiene su origen en el término "internetted" de 1849 y fue adoptado posteriormente por el Departamento de Guerra de EE.UU. en 1945. Los inicios de Internet se remontan a los años 60, cuando los informáticos desarrollaron sistemas de tiempo compartido que acabaron desembocando en la creación de ARPANET en 1969. Internet funciona de forma autónoma, sin ningún control central, y la Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números (ICANN) gestiona sus principales espacios de nombres. Ha revolucionado los métodos tradicionales de comunicación y ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial, con un número de usuarios de Internet que crece entre 20% y 50% cada año. En 2019, más de la mitad de la población mundial utilizaba Internet. El conjunto de protocolos de Internet, que comprende TCP/IP y cuatro capas conceptuales, dirige los paquetes de Internet a sus destinos previstos. Servicios fundamentales como el correo electrónico y la telefonía por Internet funcionan en Internet. La World Wide Web, una extensa red de documentos interconectados, es un elemento crucial de Internet.
Diplomacia digital (Wikipedia)

Diplomacia digital, also referred to as Digiplomacy y eDiplomacy (see below), has been defined as the use of the Internet and new information communication technologies to help achieve diplomatic objectives. However, other definitions have also been proposed. The definition focuses on the interplay between internet and diplomacy, ranging from Internet driven-changes in the environment in which diplomacy is conducted to the emergence of new topics on diplomatic agendas such as cybersecurity, privacy and more, along with the use of internet tools to practice diplomacy.

Coordinator of Bureau of International Information Programs Macon Phillips (left), responds to a question during a panel discussion -- Digital Diplomacy: Making Foreign Policy Less Foreign -- with Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Doug Frantz (center), and Assistant Secretary for Education and Cultural Affairs Evan Ryan, who joined via digital video conference, on February 18, 2014. Moderated by Emily Parker, author of Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: Voices From the Internet Underground and digital diplomacy advisor and senior fellow at the New America Foundation, the panel discussion is part of Social Media Week New York City.

Platform-specific terms that have also evolved in this diplomacy category include Facebook diplomacy, Twitter diplomacy, and Google diplomacy.

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