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Cifrado de extremo a extremo

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End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a crucial security feature in today’s digital era. It’s a secure communication method that safeguards data from third-party access as it moves from one system to another. Essentially, E2EE operates by transforming the sender’s message into a coded format, which can only be deciphered by the designated recipient. This ensures the data stays private while traversing networks. However, E2EE does encounter hurdles such as susceptibility to man-in-the-middle attacks, endpoint authentication demands, and regulatory compliance issues. Additionally, backdoors, capable of circumventing encryption, present substantial security risks. Despite these challenges, E2EE is extensively used in diverse communication platforms and file-sharing services to bolster seguridad de los datos[1]. Regardless of these obstacles, the importance of E2EE in preserving privacy in our increasingly digital world cannot be overstated.

Definición de términos
1. seguridad de los datos. La protección de datos es un componente esencial de las TI, que abarca una serie de tecnologías y estrategias. Implica la aplicación de tecnologías de cifrado de disco diseñadas para proteger los datos almacenados en los discos duros, que pueden aplicarse mediante técnicas de software o hardware. Existen diversas medidas de seguridad, como el cifrado de software, los tokens de seguridad de hardware y la autenticación de dos factores, todas ellas diseñadas para proteger los datos confidenciales de filtraciones y ciberamenazas. Es crucial que el personal reciba formación sobre procedimientos de seguridad y se adhiera a las políticas de la organización para garantizar una sólida protección de los datos. El futuro de la protección de datos será testigo de la integración de la IA, la autenticación biométrica, la tecnología blockchain y una mayor atención a las leyes de privacidad de datos. La importancia de la protección de datos va más allá de la mera prevención de pérdidas financieras; también se trata de fomentar la confianza de los clientes y el cumplimiento de la normativa.

Cifrado de extremo a extremo (E2EE) is a private communication system in which only communicating users can participate. As such, no one, including the communication system provider, telecom providers, Proveedores de Internet or malicious actors, can access the cryptographic keys needed to converse.

End-to-end encryption is intended to prevent data being read or secretly modified, other than by the true sender and recipient(s). The messages are encrypted by the sender but the third party does not have a means to decrypt them, and stores them encrypted. The recipients retrieve the encrypted data and decrypt it themselves.

Because no third parties can decipher the data being communicated or stored, for example, companies that provide end-to-end encryption are unable to hand over texts of their customers' messages to the authorities.

In 2022, the UK's Information Commissioner's Office, the government body responsible for enforcing online data standards, stated that opposition to E2EE was misinformed and the debate too unbalanced, with too little focus on benefits, since E2EE "helped keep children safe online" and law enforcement access to stored data on servers was "not the only way" to find abusers.

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