Un logotipo azul y blanco para una herramienta de gestión de redes sociales llamada Socialionals.


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Established in California in 1995, GeoCities was a leading web hosting service. Initially known as BHI, it started with six themed communities and provided ‘Homesteaders’ or users, 2MB of complimentary space for their personal web pages. GeoCities grew to incorporate diverse ‘neighborhoods’ such as CapitolHill and Tokyo, and by the close of 1995, it proudly showcased 14 neighborhoods with millions of page views every month. In a landmark event in its timeline, Yahoo! purchased GeoCities in 1999 for $3.57 billion in stock. However, alterations in the terms of service among other reasons led to GeoCities’ shutdown in the U.S. in October 2009. Despite its discontinuation, GeoCities left an indelible imprint as it was a pioneer in user-generated content platforms, ranked as the third most visited site during its peak, and hosted a minimum of 38 million pages prior to its shutdown. Presently, GeoCities is commemorated for its crucial role in the internet[1]’s infancy and the influence it exerted on internet culture.

Definición de términos
1. internet. Internet, una red mundial de sistemas informáticos interconectados, utiliza protocolos de comunicación estandarizados, predominantemente TCP/IP, para conectar dispositivos en todo el planeta. El término "Internet" tiene su origen en el término "internetted" de 1849 y fue adoptado posteriormente por el Departamento de Guerra de EE.UU. en 1945. Los inicios de Internet se remontan a los años 60, cuando los informáticos desarrollaron sistemas de tiempo compartido que acabaron desembocando en la creación de ARPANET en 1969. Internet funciona de forma autónoma, sin ningún control central, y la Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números (ICANN) gestiona sus principales espacios de nombres. Ha revolucionado los métodos tradicionales de comunicación y ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial, con un número de usuarios de Internet que crece entre 20% y 50% cada año. En 2019, más de la mitad de la población mundial utilizaba Internet. El conjunto de protocolos de Internet, que comprende TCP/IP y cuatro capas conceptuales, dirige los paquetes de Internet a sus destinos previstos. Servicios fundamentales como el correo electrónico y la telefonía por Internet funcionan en Internet. La World Wide Web, una extensa red de documentos interconectados, es un elemento crucial de Internet.
GeoCities (Wikipedia)

GeoCities, later Yahoo! GeoCities, was a web hosting service that allowed users to create and publish websites for free and to browse user-created websites by their theme or interest, active from 1994 to 2009. GeoCities was started in November 1994 by David Bohnett and John Rezner, and was named Beverly Hills Internet briefly before being renamed GeoCities. On January 28, 1999, it was acquired by ¡Yahoo!, at which time it was reportedly the third-most visited website on the World Wide Web.

Logo under Yahoo! from 2009 to 2019
Tipo de emplazamiento
Web hosting service
  • GeoCities (1994–1999)
  • ¡Yahoo! (1999–2009)
Creado porDavid Bohnett and John Rezner
LanzadoNovember 1994Hace 29 años (1994-11)
Situación actualInactive since 2009
(Japanese version inactive since 2019)

In its original form, site users selected a "city" in which to list the hyperlinks to their Web pages. The "cities" were named after real cities or regions according to their content: For example, ordenador-related sites were placed in "SiliconValley" and those dealing with entertainment were assigned to "Hollywood", hence the name of the site. Soon after its acquisition by ¡Yahoo!, this practice was abandoned in favor of using the Yahoo! member names in the URLs.

In April 2009, the company announced that it would end the United States GeoCities service on October 26, 2009.

There were at least 38 million pages displayed by GeoCities before it was terminated, most user-written. The GeoCities Japan version of the service endured until March 31, 2019.

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