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Google Panda

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Introduced in 2012, Google[1] Panda is a major upgrade to Google’s search engine algoritmo[2], as outlined in patent 8,682,892. The essence of this update is a ratio that Google Panda formulates using a website’s reference queries and inbound links. This ratio creates an adjustment factor that affects the entire website or a particular section, influencing its position in search results. If a webpage doesn’t reach a specific threshold, its ranking is reduced. Panda’s updates were initially launched monthly, but since March 2013, they have been ongoing. Notably, the rollout of Panda 4.2 began slowly on July 18, 2015. Google Panda, alongside other updates like Hummingbird and Penguin, strives to ensure that search engine rankings reward high-quality content.

Definición de términos
1. Google ( Google ) Reconocida principalmente por su motor de búsqueda, Google es una empresa tecnológica de prestigio universal. La empresa, fundada en 1998 por Sergey Brin y Larry Page, se ha expandido de forma significativa, abarcando numerosos campos relacionados con la tecnología. Google ofrece una amplia gama de servicios y productos, como Android, YouTube, Cloud, Maps y Gmail. También fabrica hardware, como Chromebooks y smartphones Pixel. Desde 2015, Google es una filial de Alphabet Inc. y es célebre por su espíritu inventivo y un entorno de trabajo que promueve los proyectos personales de los empleados. A pesar de enfrentarse a varios retos éticos y legales, Google sigue influyendo en el sector tecnológico con sus innovaciones revolucionarias y avances tecnológicos, como la creación del sistema operativo Android y la compra de empresas especializadas en IA.
2. algoritmo. Se conoce como algoritmo a un conjunto de instrucciones o reglas claramente definidas que ofrecen una solución a un problema o tarea específicos. Los algoritmos, cuyas raíces se remontan a las civilizaciones antiguas, han evolucionado durante siglos y hoy desempeñan un papel fundamental en la informática contemporánea. En su creación se utilizan técnicas como el divide y vencerás, y su eficiencia se evalúa mediante métricas como la notación big O. Los algoritmos pueden representarse de múltiples formas, como pseudocódigo, diagramas de flujo o lenguajes de programación. Para ejecutarlos, se traducen a un lenguaje comprensible para los ordenadores, y la velocidad de ejecución depende del conjunto de instrucciones utilizado. Dependiendo de su diseño o paradigma de implementación, los algoritmos pueden clasificarse de forma diferente, y su nivel de eficiencia puede afectar en gran medida al tiempo de procesamiento. En campos como la informática y la inteligencia artificial, la comprensión y aplicación eficaz de los algoritmos es vital.
Google Panda (Wikipedia)

Google's Google Panda is a major change to the company's search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. The change aimed to lower the rank of "low-quality sites" or "thin sites", in particular "content farms", and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results.

CNET reported a surge in the rankings of news websites y redes sociales, and a drop in rankings for sites containing large amounts of advertising. This change reportedly affected the rankings of almost 12 percent of all search results. Soon after the Panda rollout, many websites, including Google's webmaster forum, became filled with complaints of scrapers/copyright infringers getting better rankings than sites with original content. At one point, Google publicly asked for data points to help detect scrapers better. In 2016, Matt Cutts, Google's head of webspam at the time of the Panda update, commented that "with Panda, Google took a big enough revenue hit via some partners that Google actually needed to disclose Panda as a material impact on an earnings call. But I believe it was the right decision to launch Panda, both for the long-term trust of our users and for a better ecosystem for publishers."

Google's Panda received several updates after the original rollout in February 2011, and their effect went global in April 2011. To help affected publishers, Google provided an advisory on its blog, thus giving some direction for self-evaluation of a website's quality. Google has provided a list of 23 bullet points on its blog answering the question of "What counts as a high-quality site?" that is supposed to help webmasters "step into Google's mindset". It has been incorporated in Google's core algorithm since 2015.

The name "Panda" comes from Google engineer Navneet Panda, who developed the technology that made it possible for Google to create and implement the algorithm.

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