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Elemento HTML

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HTML[1] elements constitute the fundamental units of HTML web pages. They represent individual parts that constitute an HTML document, imparting significance and organization to the content. Every element can possess distinct attributes and can encompass other elements and text. These elements are organized in a hierarchical tree structure within an HTML document. While the majority of elements necessitate both opening and closing tags, some, referred to as void elements, do not require closing tags. The proper arrangement and nesting of these elements are vital for generating valid HTML documents. HTML elements can be classified into three categories: normal, raw text, and void elements. The usage of upper or lower case in writing these elements can vary. It’s also crucial to acknowledge that some elements have been phased out or considered invalid in subsequent standards due to considerations such as user accessibility.

Definición de términos
1. HTML ( HTML ) HTML, acrónimo de HyperText Markup Language (lenguaje de marcado de hipertexto), es la base de la Internet moderna. Tim Berners-Lee lo introdujo por primera vez en la década de 1980 y ha experimentado numerosas transformaciones y mejoras a lo largo de los años. El HTML es fundamental para organizar el contenido de la web, desde el texto que leemos hasta los contenidos multimedia que utilizamos. A lo largo de los años se han publicado distintas ediciones de HTML, como HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2 y HTML 4.0, cada una de ellas mejorando y ampliando el alcance de su predecesora. La última versión, HTML5, se estandarizó en 2014 y trajo consigo una plétora de nuevas características, como soporte para vídeo y audio, opciones de almacenamiento local y elementos semánticos adicionales. HTML también es vital para el SEO (Search Engine Optimization) y la accesibilidad digital.
Elemento HTML (Wikipedia)

En Elemento HTML is a type of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document component, one of several types of HTML nodes (there are also text nodes, comment nodes and others).[vague] The first used version of HTML was written by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993 and there have since been many versions of HTML. The current de facto standard is governed by the industry group WHATWG and is known as the HTML Living Standard.

An HTML document is composed of a tree of simple HTML nodes, such as text nodes, and HTML elements, which add semántica and formatting to parts of document (e.g., make text bold, organize it into paragraphs, lists and tables, or embed hyperlinks and images). Each element can have HTML attributes specified. Elements can also have content, including other elements and text.

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