Un logotipo azul y blanco para una herramienta de gestión de redes sociales llamada Socialionals.

Mensajería instantánea

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Instant Messaging (IM) represents a mode of digital communication that facilitates the instantaneous exchange of textual messages across internet[2] or computer networks. Unlike its correo electrónico[3] counterpart, IM encourages prompt, engaging dialogues, often enriched with emojis, file sharing capabilities, voice-over IP, and video conferencing. IM systems can operate autonomously or as a component of a broader social media framework. They have undergone substantial evolution since the inception of early platforms like Talkomatic and CompuServe CB Simulator, maturing into graphical user interfaces with an array of functionalities. Contemporary popular services such as Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat provide private and group messaging, advanced security protocols like cifrado de extremo a extremo[1], and social network integration. They serve a crucial function in personal and business communication arenas, enabling efficient real-time dialogue with conversation archives for subsequent reference.

Definición de términos
1. Cifrado de extremo a extremo ( end-to-end encryption ) End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a crucial security feature in today's digital era. It's a secure communication method that safeguards data from third-party access as it moves from one system to another. Essentially, E2EE operates by transforming the sender's message into a coded format, which can only be deciphered by the designated recipient. This ensures the data stays private while traversing networks. However, E2EE does encounter hurdles such as susceptibility to man-in-the-middle attacks, endpoint authentication demands, and regulatory compliance issues. Additionally, backdoors, capable of circumventing encryption, present substantial security risks. Despite these challenges, E2EE is extensively used in diverse communication platforms and file-sharing services to bolster data security. Regardless of these obstacles, the importance of E2EE in preserving privacy in our increasingly digital world cannot be overstated.
2. internet. Internet, una red mundial de sistemas informáticos interconectados, utiliza protocolos de comunicación estandarizados, predominantemente TCP/IP, para conectar dispositivos en todo el planeta. El término "Internet" tiene su origen en el término "internetted" de 1849 y fue adoptado posteriormente por el Departamento de Guerra de EE.UU. en 1945. Los inicios de Internet se remontan a los años 60, cuando los informáticos desarrollaron sistemas de tiempo compartido que acabaron desembocando en la creación de ARPANET en 1969. Internet funciona de forma autónoma, sin ningún control central, y la Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números (ICANN) gestiona sus principales espacios de nombres. Ha revolucionado los métodos tradicionales de comunicación y ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial, con un número de usuarios de Internet que crece entre 20% y 50% cada año. En 2019, más de la mitad de la población mundial utilizaba Internet. El conjunto de protocolos de Internet, que comprende TCP/IP y cuatro capas conceptuales, dirige los paquetes de Internet a sus destinos previstos. Servicios fundamentales como el correo electrónico y la telefonía por Internet funcionan en Internet. La World Wide Web, una extensa red de documentos interconectados, es un elemento crucial de Internet.

Mensajería instantánea (MI) technology is a type of online chat allowing immediate transmission of messages over the Internet or another red informática. Messages are typically transmitted between two or more parties, when each user inputs text and triggers a transmission to the recipient(s), who are all connected on a common network. It differs from correo electrónico in that conversations over instant messaging happen in real-time (hence "instant"). Most modern IM applications (sometimes called "social messengers", "messaging apps", "chat apps" or "chat clients") use push technology and also add other features such as emojis (or graphical smileys), file transfer, chatbots, voice over IPo video chat capabilities.

A classic example of instant messaging on a desktop computer: the left window of this software showing a list of contacts ("buddy list") and the right window an active IM conversation

Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"), and can be standalone applications or integrated into e.g. a wider redes sociales platform, or a website where it can for instance be used for conversational commerce. IM can also consist of conversations in "salas de chat". Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client–server (an IM service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device). It is usually distinguished from mensajería de texto which is typically simpler and normally uses cellular phone networks.

Instant messaging applications can store messages with either local-based device storage (e.g. WhatsApp, Viber, Line, WeChat, Signal etc.) or cloud-based server storage (e.g. Telegram, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Google Conozca/Chat, Discordia, Slack etc.).

Instant messaging was pioneered in the early Internet era; the IRC protocol was the earliest to achieve wide adoption. Later in the 1990s, ICQ was among the first closed and commercialized instant messengers, and several rival services appeared afterwards as it became a popular use of the Internet. Beginning with its first introduction in 2005, BlackBerry Messenger, which initially had been available only on BlackBerry smartphones, soon became one of the most popular mobile instant messaging apps worldwide. BBM was for instance the most used mobile messaging app in the United Kingdom and Indonesia. Instant messaging remains very popular today; IM apps are the most widely used smartphone apps: in 2018 there were over 50 million Signal users, 980 million usuarios activos mensuales de WeChat and 1.3 billion monthly users of WhatsApp Messenger.

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