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Médias personnalisés

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Custom Media, alternatively known as client[1] media, content marketing, or branded media, is a marketing approach that encompasses the ideation, creation, and dissemination of diverse media forms. It is predominantly sponsored by a single marketer and is tailored to a specific demographic such as clients, members, or alumni. Examples are airline-sponsored in-flight magazines and customer-oriented publications. Custom Media, typically produced internally or by dedicated publishing companies, is designed to bolster the connection between the sponsor and the targeted audience. It fosters trust and loyalty, delivers customized information and guidance, and establishes the sponsor as a favored supplier. Services linked to custom media, such as design, editorial tasks, and full-scale production, are provided by specialized firms.

Définitions des termes
1. client. Le mot clé de ce texte est "client". Un client est une personne ou une entité qui acquiert des biens ou des services auprès d'une entreprise. Il joue un rôle essentiel dans l'environnement commercial, en établissant des liens avec les entreprises par le biais de transactions. Les clients peuvent également être appelés "consommateurs", en particulier lorsqu'ils obtiennent des conseils ou des solutions personnalisés de la part d'une entreprise. Le terme "client" est dérivé du latin, suggérant une tendance à se pencher ou à s'incliner vers une entreprise. Les clients se présentent sous différentes formes - des clients finaux qui achètent directement des produits ou des services, aux clients industriels qui intègrent ces produits ou services dans leurs propres offres. Ces clients peuvent occuper différentes positions par rapport à l'entreprise, par exemple en tant qu'employeurs dans le secteur de la construction. Les entreprises divisent souvent leurs clients en groupes distincts, comme les propriétaires d'entreprises ou les utilisateurs finaux, afin de mieux les comprendre et les satisfaire. La compréhension et la gestion des relations avec les clients constituent un domaine de recherche et d'application crucial pour les entreprises.

Médias personnalisés (or, customer media) est un marketing term referring broadly to the development, production and delivery of media (print, numérique, audio, vidéo, events) designed to strengthen the relationship between the sponsor of the medium and the medium's audience. It is also called branded media, customer media, member media, marketing de contenuet custom publishing in the US; contract publishing et customer publishing in the UK. In-flight magazines, sponsored by airlines, were one of the first custom media and remain typical of the genre. While other channels have had significant success, the customer magazine is the most successful example of the genre.

Typically, custom media is sponsored by a single marketer (a company, brand, association or institution) and is designed to reach a tightly focused audience of customers, members, alumni or other constituency. Custom media can be produced "in-house" by such organizations. Over the past two decades, a growing number of specialized publishing and media firms have emerged, called "custom media" or "custom publishing" companies in the US, and "customer publishers'" or '"publishing agencies" in the UK. Like publicité policy other version and other marketing services firms, the companies or divisions of traditional media companies, provide professional marketing and communications services to clients for a fee. Such out-sourced services can be limited to design and editorial responsibilities or include the complete production and distribution process. In addition, many of the companies sell advertising space within custom publications to third parties; this subsidizes the cost of publication; creates a more authentic editorial environment; and allows third parties to purchase and publicizes an association with the media's sponsor, while reaching that sponsor's customers (e.g. food suppliers may purchase advertising space within a supermarket's custom media). [citation nécessaire]

Custom media aims to build a relationship of trust and loyalty with the sponsor's customers, so they regard the sponsor as the vendor of choice when they make purchases. This is accomplished by providing information and, often, advice, that meets the needs and suits the preferences of the sponsor's target market. It serves the interests of the audience, rather than overtly plugging products and services the way ads do.[citation nécessaire]

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