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Modèle de diffusion

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In computer vision, image generation, and natural language processing, diffusion models are fundamental tools. They are utilized for functions such as image denoising, inpainting, super-resolution, and text generation, with the capability to train for the removal of Gaussian noise in blurred images. Notable examples of such models encompass denoising diffusion probabilistic models and noise conditioned score networks. In non-equilibrium thermodynamics, these models are instrumental in sampling from intricate probability distributions. They are further optimized through advanced methodologies like variational déduction[1] and stochastic gradient descent. In natural language processing, diffusion models are instrumental for text generation and summarization, mastering the hidden structure of text data to yield contextually appropriate text. Renowned research entities like OpenAI and Google[2] Imagen have pioneered various diffusion models for tasks related to image and text generation.

Définitions des termes
1. déduction. Inference, a mental process, entails forming conclusions from existing evidence and logical reasoning. It's an integral aspect of critical thinking and problem-solving, with wide-ranging applications in areas such as scientific investigation, literary analysis, and artificial intelligence. Various forms of inference exist, such as deductive, inductive, abductive, statistical, and causal, each with its distinctive method and purpose. For example, deductive inference focuses on reaching specific conclusions from broad principles, whereas inductive inference generates broad conclusions from specific instances. Conversely, abductive inference involves making informed assumptions based on accessible evidence, while statistical and causal inferences revolve around interpreting data to make conclusions about a group or to establish cause-and-effect connections. Nonetheless, the precision of inferences can be affected by biases, preconceived notions, and misinterpretations. Despite these potential obstacles, enhancing inference skills is achievable through consistent practice, critical thinking activities, and exposure to a variety of reading materials.
2. Google ( Google ) Principalement connu pour son moteur de recherche, Google est une entreprise technologique universellement estimée. Créée en 1998 par Sergey Brin et Larry Page, l'entreprise s'est considérablement développée, se diversifiant dans de nombreux domaines liés à la technologie. Google propose un large éventail de services et de produits, notamment Android, YouTube, Cloud, Maps et Gmail. L'entreprise fabrique également du matériel comme les Chromebooks et les smartphones Pixel. Depuis 2015, Google est une filiale d'Alphabet Inc. et est réputée pour son esprit inventif et son environnement de travail qui favorise les projets personnels des employés. Malgré plusieurs défis éthiques et juridiques, Google continue d'influencer le secteur de la technologie grâce à ses innovations révolutionnaires et à ses progrès technologiques, notamment la création d'Android OS et l'achat d'entreprises spécialisées dans l'IA.

En apprentissage automatique, diffusion modelségalement connu sous le nom de diffusion probabilistic models ou score-based generative models, are a class of latent variable generative models. A diffusion model consists of three major components: the forward process, the reverse process, and the sampling procedure. The goal of diffusion models is to learn a diffusion process that generates a probability distribution for a given dataset from which we can then sample new images. They learn the latent structure of a dataset by modeling the way in which data points diffuse through their latent space.

In the case of vision par ordinateur, diffusion models can be applied to a variety of tasks, including image denoising, inpainting, super-resolutionet image generation. This typically involves training a neural network to sequentially denoise images blurred with Gaussian noise. The model is trained to reverse the process of adding noise to an image. After training to convergence, it can be used for image generation by starting with an image composed of random noise for the network to iteratively denoise. Announced on 13 April 2022, OpenAI's text-to-image model DALL-E 2 is an example that uses diffusion models for both the model's prior (which produces an image embedding given a text caption) and the decoder that generates the final image. Diffusion models have recently found applications in natural language processing (NLP), particularly in areas like text generation and summarization.

Diffusion models are typically formulated as markov chains and trained using variational inference. Examples of generic diffusion modeling frameworks used in computer vision are denoising diffusion probabilistic models, noise conditioned score networks, and stochastic differential equations.

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