Adresse électronique

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Un courriel[2] address, serving as a distinct marker for an individual’s electronic mail account, adheres to a specific format: local-part@domain. The local-part, not exceeding 64 octets, denotes the specific mailbox, and the domain, limited to 255 octets, points to the mail server. These email addresses are indispensable for correspondence through PCs, mobile devices, or webmail platforms, and frequently serve as user verification on websites. Yet, the correct format doesn’t necessarily confirm existence. Methods like callback verification are utilized to validate the existence of mailboxes. Emails are relayed via the Internet[3] utilizing the SMTP protocol as defined in RFC5321 and 5322, with the SMTP client employing the nom de domaine[1] to locate the mail exchange IP address. Moreover, the IETF has made strides to internationalize email addresses, allowing non-ASCII characters. The email address’s domain must comply with stringent rules, including a character limit of 63 and the incorporation of letters, digits, and hyphens.

Définitions des termes
1. nom de domaine. Les noms de domaine sont des identifiants textuels qui désignent des ressources internet, notamment des ordinateurs et des services. Ils symbolisent la propriété ou le contrôle d'une ressource et offrent un nom mémorable pour ces entités. La structure d'un nom de domaine se compose d'étiquettes concaténées et séparées par des points, disposées dans une hiérarchie de droite à gauche. Chaque étiquette peut contenir de 1 à 63 octets, et le nom de domaine total ne doit pas dépasser 253 caractères ASCII. Le système de noms de domaine (DNS) convertit ces noms de domaine en adresses IP, ce qui facilite la répartition du trafic web entre les différents serveurs. Organisés en arborescence, les noms de domaine comportent des domaines de premier niveau (TLD) tels que .com, .org, .net au niveau le plus élevé. L'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) gère l'attribution des TLD et accrédite les bureaux d'enregistrement de domaines. Les noms de domaine peuvent également être internationalisés, de nombreux registres ayant adopté le système de noms de domaine internationalisés (IDNA) approuvé par l'ICANN. Le secteur des noms de domaine est vulnérable aux cybermenaces telles que l'usurpation d'identité, mais des mesures de protection sont en place.
2. courriel. Email, a vital communication tool since its introduction in 1975, has become an integral part of our daily lives. This system functions over computer networks and the internet, enabling global message transmission and reception. While 'email' is the commonly accepted term in style guides, variations such as 'E-mail' are occasionally used, especially in American and British English contexts. The process of this system includes a sender composing a message via a Mail User Agent (MUA), which then sends it to the recipient's mail exchange server. The recipient's MUA subsequently retrieves the message. Thanks to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME), emails can now include multimedia content. For safety, email systems employ a store-and-forward model, whereby email servers receive, forward, store, and deliver messages. This method facilitates email exchanges without requiring users to be online simultaneously.

Un adresse électronique identifies an courriel box to which messages are delivered. While early messaging systems used a variety of formats for addressing, today, email addresses follow a set of specific rules originally standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the 1980s, and updated byRFC 5322 et 6854. The term email address in this article refers to just the addr-spec in Section 3.4 of RFC 5322. The RFC defines address more broadly as either a mailbox ou group. A mailbox value can be either a name-addr, which contains a display-name et addr-spec, or the more common addr-spec alone.

An email address, such as, is made up from a local-part, the symbol @, and a domain, which may be a nom de domaine ou un IP address enclosed in brackets. Although the standard requires the local-part to be case-sensitive, it also urges that receiving hosts deliver messages in a case-independent manner, e.g., that the mail system in the domain treat John.Smith as equivalent to john.smith; some mail systems even treat them as equivalent to johnsmith. Mail systems often limit the users' choice of name to a subset of the technically permitted characters.

With the introduction of internationalized domain names, efforts are progressing to permit non-ASCII characters in email addresses.

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