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First emerging in the mid-90s, hacktivism is a concept introduced by Jason Sack and later made mainstream by Omega, a Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) affiliate. This term, a fusion of “hacking” and “militantisme[1],” encapsulates the utilization of coding and programming prowess to propel societal transformation. Its interpretation differs, with some incorporating cyberterrorism, while others emphasize its function as an instrument for societal evolution. Hacktivists, typically operating under anonymity, adopt various tactics such as Doxing, DoS onslaughts, and website vandalism. The ramifications of hacktivism are substantial, with the capacity to reshape political terrains and impact businesses. Renowned instances of hacktivism encompass networks like Anonymous and WikiLeaks, and resources like PGP encryption software. Despite being a contentious issue, hacktivism epitomizes a contemporary form of activism in the digital epoch.

Définitions des termes
1. militantisme. La pratique de l'activisme, définie comme une campagne vigoureuse visant à provoquer un changement politique ou social, englobe un large spectre. Elle comprend diverses formes d'activisme, telles que les droits de l'homme, l'environnement, les droits des animaux et l'activisme conservateur, chacune ayant un objectif distinct, mais uni par l'objectif commun d'instiguer le changement. Les militants emploient un large éventail de tactiques pour atteindre leurs objectifs, depuis les méthodes non violentes et les campagnes politiques jusqu'à l'activisme économique et sur l'internet. Parmi les autres formes spécifiques d'activisme, citons l'activisme des consommateurs, l'activisme artistique, l'activisme scientifique et l'activisme des actionnaires. Les répercussions et la portée de l'activisme s'étendent très loin, influençant tout, des structures sociales, politiques et économiques au dialogue public et à la conduite des entreprises.
Hacktivisme (Wikipedia)

Activisme sur Internet, hacktivismou hactivism (a portmanteau de hack et militantisme), is the use of computer-based techniques such as hacking comme une forme de civil disobedience to promote a political agenda or social change. With roots in hacker culture et hacker ethics, its ends are often related to liberté d'expression, human rightsou freedom of information movements.

Anarchist pirates informatiques

Hacktivist activities span many political ideals and issues. Freenet, a d'égal à égal platform for censure-resistant communication, is a prime example of translating political thought and freedom of speech into code. Hacking as a form of militantisme can be carried out through a network of activists, such as Anonymous et WikiLeaks, or through a singular activist, working in collaboration toward common goals without an overarching authority figure.

"Hacktivism" is a controversial term with several meanings. The word was coined to characterize electronic direct action as working toward social change by combining programming skills with critical thinking. But just as hack can sometimes mean cyber crime, hacktivism can be used to mean activism that is malicious, destructive, and undermining the sécurité of the Internet en tant que technical, economicet political platform. In comparison to previous forms of social activism, hacktivism has had unprecedented success, bringing in more participants, using more tools, and having more influence in that it has the ability to alter élections, begin conflicts, and take down businesses.

According to the États-Unis 2020-2022 Counterintelligence Strategy, in addition to state adversaries and transnational criminal organizations, "ideologically motivated entities such as hacktivists, leaktivists, and public disclosure organizations, also pose significant threats".

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