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Marketing de guerrilla

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Guerrilla marketing is a creative, out-of-the-box approach that businesses employ to advertise their goods or services. It encompasses various forms such as ambient marketing, which utilizes physical environments in public areas for promotional purposes. Ambush marketing capitalizes on events indirectly related to them to enhance brand visibility. In contrast, stealth marketing advertises products or services in a covert way. Viral marketing encourages people to distribute marketing messages, leading to exponential growth, while buzz marketing ignites public discurso[3] about a brand to create hype.

A subset of guerrilla marketing, street marketing, applies unconventional publicidad[2] tactics in public spaces. This strategy involves handing out leaflets, crafting animations, and organizing roadshows. The objective is to engage the target market, stimulate senses, foster closeness, and build trust.

Guerrilla marketing also merges with social media platforms for marketing digital[1] strategies, which have the potential to go viral, providing worldwide exposure. The impact of this method is substantial, with triumphant campaigns like Coca-Cola’s ‘Happiness Machine’ gaining global fame. The success of this marketing tactic underscores the potency of innovative, non-traditional advertising.

Definición de términos
1. marketing digital. El marketing digital, término amplio, se refiere a la utilización de plataformas digitales, predominantemente Internet, para la publicidad de productos o servicios. Sus orígenes se remontan a la década de 1990, cuando se produjeron acontecimientos clave como el primer anuncio publicitario en el que se podía hacer clic y la aparición de la automatización del marketing. Las tácticas fundamentales del marketing digital son el SEO, el SEM, el marketing de contenidos y el marketing en redes sociales. Desempeña un papel crucial a la hora de aumentar el reconocimiento de marca, influir en el comportamiento de los consumidores y orientar sus elecciones. A pesar de obstáculos como los problemas de privacidad y la necesidad de adaptación de las plataformas, siguen progresando tácticas novedosas como el marketing basado en datos y el retargeting. Esta técnica de marketing también promueve la participación de personas influyentes y canales digitales para amplificar la visibilidad de la marca e interactuar eficazmente con los consumidores. Hoy en día, el marketing digital va más allá de la mera venta de productos; se trata de forjar una personalidad de marca distintiva y fomentar un vínculo sólido con el público.
2. publicidad. La promoción de un producto o servicio a través de la comunicación, también conocida como publicidad, tiene como objetivo informar o persuadir a un público determinado. Sus orígenes se remontan a las primeras civilizaciones, en las que se inscribían mensajes de venta en papiros egipcios y se utilizaban murales murales con fines promocionales en la antigua Asia, África y Sudamérica. A lo largo de los siglos, la publicidad se ha adaptado a los avances tecnológicos y al auge de los medios de comunicación de masas, pasando de los periódicos impresos a las plataformas audiovisuales y digitales. Las estrategias empleadas en la publicidad varían, y algunas se centran en aumentar la concienciación o impulsar las ventas, dirigiéndose a diferentes grupos demográficos a nivel local, nacional o internacional. Los métodos más comunes son la impresión, la radio, los banners web y los anuncios de televisión, entre otros. Los modelos publicitarios modernos han introducido tendencias innovadoras como el marketing de guerrilla y los anuncios interactivos. La contribución de las mujeres a la publicidad es significativa, y sus puntos de vista son muy valorados debido a su influyente poder adquisitivo.

Marketing de guerrilla es un anuncio strategy in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional interactions in order to promote a producto o servicio. It is a type of publicity. The term was popularized by Jay Conrad Levinson's 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing.

Ad sticker of a boxing studio in Germany. The message is irónico and can be regarded as "anti-typical" for advertisements, as it is basically negative.

Guerrilla marketing uses multiple techniques and practices in order to establish direct contact with potential customers. One of the goals of this interaction is to cause an emotional reaction in the clients, and the ultimate goal of marketing is to induce people to remember products or brands in a different way than they might have been accustomed to.

As traditional advertising media channels—such as print, radio, televisióny direct mail—lose popularity, marketers and advertisers have felt compelled to find new strategies to convey their commercial messages to the consumer. Guerrilla marketing focuses on taking the consumer by surprise to make a dramatic impression about the product or brand. This in turn creates buzz about the product being marketed. It is a way of advertising that increases consumers' engagement with the product or service, and is designed to create a memorable experience. By creating a memorable experience, it also increases the likelihood that a consumer, or someone who interacted with the campaign, will tell their friends about the product. Thus, via boca a boca, the product or service being advertised reaches more people than initially anticipated.

Guerrilla marketing is relatively inexpensive, and focuses more on reach rather than frequency. For guerrilla campaigns to be successful, companies generally do not need to spend large amounts of money, but they need to have imagination, energy and time. Therefore, guerrilla marketing has the potential to be effective for small businesses, especially if they are competing against bigger companies.

The message to consumers is often designed to be clear and concise. This type of marketing also works on the unconscious mind, because purchasing decisions are often made by the unconscious mind. To keep the product or service in the unconscious mind requires repetition, so if a buzz is created around a product, and if it is shared amongst friends, then this mechanism enables repetition.

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