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Site de fausses nouvelles

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Fake News[2] Websites denote those online platforms that intentionally circulate inaccurate, deceptive, or sensationalized content, often masquerading as legitimate news. These sites frequently use eye-catching headlines to lure readers and boost click-through rates, predominantly to amass online ad revenue. They can profoundly affect society, especially in the political sphere, where they can manipulate public sentiment and propagate untruths. Aware of the risks, tech behemoths, global leaders, and numerous institutions are striving to curb the spread of these websites. Renowned purveyors of such misleading content hail from nations like Russia, North Macedonia, Romania, and the United States. The worldwide influence of fake news websites is extensive, affecting occurrences in countries ranging from China and Germany to the United States. Various global actions, both legislative and executive, are being implemented in response to the emergence of these désinformation[1] sites.

Définitions des termes
1. désinformation. La désinformation, terme qui trouve ses racines dans la famille des langues proto-indo-européennes, est la propagation délibérée de données inexactes ou trompeuses, généralement à des fins de manipulation politique ou socioculturelle. Cette pratique a pris de l'ampleur dans les années 1980 et a fait l'objet de recherches approfondies visant à décrypter ses origines, ses techniques et ses effets. La désinformation est fréquemment employée dans des stratégies trompeuses sur les plateformes sociales et se distingue de la désinformation et de la malinformation. Elle est répandue dans les contextes politiques, ce qui a souvent pour effet d'embrouiller les citoyens et de décourager leur participation. La désinformation a des conséquences mondiales et est utilisée par les gouvernements, les ONG et les entreprises internationales. Elle constitue une menace pour l'intégrité des élections et peut être à l'origine de fractures sociétales. Des entités telles que l'OTAN et l'UE ont mis en œuvre diverses stratégies pour s'attaquer à ce problème. L'exploration de la désinformation englobe également les aspects éthiques et son application dans la guerre. Malgré ces initiatives, la désinformation reste un problème persistant en raison de son omniprésence et de la difficulté à évaluer son impact réel.
2. Fake news ( Fake News ) False news, also known as fake news, is the distribution of incorrect or completely deceptive information, which is framed as genuine news. This phrase gained widespread recognition in 2017 and is frequently utilized for political or financial advantages. False news encompasses a range of misleading content, including hoaxes, alternative facts, and misinformation, but is not confined to these. While satirical sites may self-identify as sources of fake news, it can also be encountered on news aggregators and political websites. The proliferation of false news can erode faith in authentic news outlets and skew public perception of significant matters. Measures to counter false news can include self-regulation, legal regulation, individual intervention, and the application of technologies such as artificial intelligence. Identifying false news requires vigilance for indicators like clickbait, propaganda, and media bias. Resources such as fact-checking websites and media literacy programs can assist individuals in distinguishing between genuine and false news.

Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news websites) are sites web sur le Internet that deliberately publish fake news-canulars, propagandeet désinformation purporting to be real news—often using médias sociaux to drive web traffic and amplify their effect. Unlike news satire, fake news websites deliberately seek to be perceived as legitimate and taken at face value, often for financial or political gain. Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in India, Germany, Indonesia and the Philippines, Sweden, Mexico, Myanmar, and the United States. Many sites originate in, or are promoted by, Russia, or North Macedonia among others . Some media analysts have seen them as a threat to democracy. In 2016, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs passed a resolution warning that the Russian government was using "pseudo-news agencies" and Internet trolls as disinformation propaganda to weaken confidence in democratic values.

In 2015, the Swedish Security Service, Sweden's national security agency, issued a report concluding Russia was using fake news to inflame "splits in society" through the proliferation of propaganda. Sweden's Ministry of Defence tasked its Civil Contingencies Agency with combating fake news from Russia. Fraudulent news affected politics in Indonesia and the Philippines, where there was simultaneously widespread usage of social media and limited resources to check the veracity of political claims. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned of the societal impact of "fake sites, bots, trolls".

Fraudulent articles spread through social media during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and several officials within the U.S. Intelligence Community said that Russia was engaged in spreading fake news. Sécurité informatique entreprise FireEye concluded that Russia used social media to spread fake news stories as part of a cyberwarfare campaign. Google and Facebook banned fake sites from using publicité en ligne. Facebook launched a partnership with fact-checking websites to flag fraudulent news and hoaxes; debunking organizations that joined the initiative included: Snopes.com, FactCheck.orget PolitiFact. U.S. President Barack Obama said a disregard for facts created a "dust cloud of nonsense". Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) Alex Younger called fake news propaganda online dangerous for democratic nations.

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