Partage d'images

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Image Sharing is the term used to describe the digital distribution of photos across multiple online platforms. This practice originated in the mid to late 1990s, with the primary focus being online print ordering. As time progressed, various platforms such as Webshots, SmugMug, Yahoo! Photos, and Flickr[1] emerged, implementing diverse revenue models including free, subscription-based, and revenue-sharing options. The process of image sharing can be accomplished through several methods, including peer-to-peer sharing, peer-to-server, peer-to-browser, and via social networks. In recent times, mobile and app-based image sharing have gained popularity, with platforms like Instagram[2], Snapchat, and Nice at the forefront. Technological innovations such as AI and facial recognition software have revolutionized the way photos are shared and categorized. However, these advancements have also sparked privacy debates and criticism, with employers and privacy activists discussing the impact of image sharing on social networks.

Définitions des termes
1. Flickr ( Flickr ) Launched initially on February 10, 2004, Flickr is a web-based application for managing and sharing photos. The brainchild of Ludicorp, a company established by Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake, Flickr has undergone multiple ownership transitions, including being acquired by Yahoo!, Verizon Communications, and finally SmugMug. Flickr offers both free and premium account choices, each with different storage capacities and feature accessibilities. Users can categorize their photos into photostreams, collections, and albums, regulate their privacy preferences, and interact with fellow users via features such as commenting and tagging. Built on standard HTML and HTTP functionalities, Flickr ensures cross-platform and browser compatibility. Despite its history being punctuated by controversies and policy changes, Flickr continues to be a prominent platform for photo sharing, offering an array of Creative Commons licenses.
2. Instagram ( Instagram ) Instagram, une plateforme de médias sociaux renommée, a été lancée en 2010 par les innovateurs Kevin Systrom et Mike Krieger. Il s'agissait à l'origine d'une application d'enregistrement connue sous le nom de Burbn, qui s'est ensuite transformée en application de partage de photos, d'où le nom d'Instagram. La plateforme est mondialement reconnue pour sa capacité à partager des photos et des vidéos, complétée par des fonctionnalités telles que les hashtags, les histoires et la messagerie privée. Au fil des ans, Instagram a connu une croissance et une transformation substantielles, élargissant sa portée à divers systèmes d'exploitation et intégrant constamment de nouveaux outils et fonctionnalités. Ces ajouts englobent IGTV, Reels et des améliorations de la diffusion en direct, tous destinés à enrichir l'expérience de l'utilisateur. Instagram accorde également la priorité à la sécurité des utilisateurs, en appliquant des politiques de protection des enfants et des mesures de protection de la vie privée. Instagram est devenu un élément essentiel du marketing numérique, avec des campagnes publicitaires et des tactiques de collaboration avec les influenceurs.
Partage d'images (Wikipedia)

Partage d'imagesou photo sharing, is the publishing or transfer of digital photos online. Image sharing websites offer services such as uploading, hosting, managing and sharing of photos (publicly or privately). This function is provided through both websites and applications that facilitate the upload and display of images. The term can also be loosely applied to the use of online photo galleries that are set up and managed by individual users, including photoblogs. Sharing means that other users can view but not necessarily download images, and users can select different copyright options for their images.

A photo shared on the Instagram app

While photoblogs tend only to display a chronological view of user-selected medium-sized photos, most photo sharing sites provide multiple views (such as thumbnails et slideshows), the ability to classify photos into albums, and add annotations (such as captions or étiquettes).

Desktop photo management applications may include their own photo-sharing features or integration with sites for uploading images to them. There are also desktop applications whose sole function is sharing images, generally using peer-to-peer networking. Basic image sharing functionality can be found in applications that allow you to email photos, for example by dragging and dropping them into pre-designed templates.

Photo sharing is not confined to the web and personal computers, but is also possible from portable devices such as camera phones, either directly or via MMS. Some cameras now come equipped with wireless networking and similar sharing functionality themselves.

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